Home Health 9 Impressive Nutritional Benefits of Pineapple

9 Impressive Nutritional Benefits of Pineapple

Nutritional benefits of pineapple
Nutritional benefits of pineapple

9 Impressive Nutritional Benefits of Pineapple

Knowing the nutritional benefits of pineapple is very important when it comes to your health.

The spiny skin of pineapple has made a lot of people run from pineapple without considering the sweetness and nutritional benefits.

Pineapple which is also called (Ananas comosus) is a delicious tropical fruit with a unique appearance and many culinary uses. 

It is sweet and juicy which is surrounded by spiny skin and a tuft of green leaves on top. 

It originated in South America.

Pineapple is packed with essential vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that offer a wide range of benefits.

 It takes approximately three years for a pineapple plant to mature and produce its iconic fruit

Pineapples grow as a small shrub, typically 1–1.5 m tall; the ovaries develop into berries that coalesce into a large, compact, multiple fruit.

The fruit is usually arranged in two interlocking helices.

This article will explore the 9 impressive nutritional benefits of pineapple that will make you ask for more.

Why You Should Know the Nutritional Benefits of Pineapple

Understanding the nutritional benefits of Pineapple is important because of its impressive nutrition profile. 

You can make it a side dish or anytime nosh. When you take a cup serving, which is (165 grams), it offers just 75 calories without any cholesterol, sodium, or fat.

As much as some health experts claim there is a need for further studies on pineapple, the fact remains that pineapples are loaded with nutrients needed for your well-being. 

You can decide to slice, chunk, or blend it, the goal is for you to enjoy it and get the nutrients it has to offer.

An 80g serving of fresh pineapple contains the following:

  • 33Kcal / 141KJ
  • 0.3g Protein
  • 0.2g Fat
  • 8.1g Carbohydrate
  • 1.3g Fibre
  • 128 mg Potassium
  • 10mg Vitamin C

You can choose either fresh or canned pineapple, but if you opt for the canned variety, it is important to choose the one with no added sugar because it is advised to limit sugar intake.

The 9 Impressive Nutritional Benefits of Pineapple 

There are so many impressive nutritional benefits of pineapple and it is something you should consider when it comes to your overall health.

The benefits include: 

It provides so many nutrients

Pineapple is packed with so many nutrients, it has low calories and high vitamins and minerals.

When you take one chunk of pineapple, you will get vitamin C, which helps in tissue growth and repair.

It also helps boost your immune system to fight diseases.

You will also get manganese, which will help in bone formation, immune response, and metabolism.

You will get fiber, vitamins, and minerals, which will help your gut and your body function properly.

It helps fight inflammation

Pineapples contain bromelain, which is responsible for fighting inflammation and it may also suppress the growth of certain tumors.

You need to know that inflammation is a natural process that occurs in our bodies to help fight off illness.

However, when inflammation is too much and lasts for a long period, it can be due to medical conditions like rheumatoid arthritis and cancer. 

It aids digestion

Here’s another reason to make pineapple your friend:

There is a good amount of fiber, which is helpful for better digestion.

The presence of bromelain in pineapple is also said to aid digestion, though there is not enough scientific evidence to back the claim.  

 Relieves arthritis pain

The presence of bromelain in pineapple, which serves as an anti-inflammatory, may provide pain relief for people with osteoarthritis.

You can consider including pineapple in your diet if you have arthritis.

Keep in mind that it doesn’t stop you from taking the medication prescribed by your doctor.

It may help with weight loss

Pineapple is one of the fruits recommended by most weight loss experts because of its low calories.

The bromelain content aids digestion and also helps reduce belly fat.

The high fiber content satisfies hunger and controls appetite. 

If you are trying to lose weight, you can consider making pineapple your best fruit friend.

Helps with post-workout recovery

If you experience soreness after a workout that can sideline you for up to three days, you should consider pineapple in your post-work smoothie. 

The anti-inflammatory content in pineapple could soothe muscles.

It can also make you jump back to your normal workout routine faster than expected.

Source of protective antioxidants

Pineapples are a good source of protective plant compounds, especially flavonoids, known as antioxidants. 

When you consume pineapple daily, there is a possibility of it reducing some chronic health conditions.

The health conditions include heart disease, diabetes, and cancer.

Longer-lasting antioxidant protection

When you obtain protective plant compounds like flavonoids from pineapple, which are a rich source of insoluble fiber.

They tend to last for longer periods because of their antioxidant protection.

It may support iron absorption

Pineapples contain vitamin C. 

Some experts believe that when you consume canned or fresh pineapple for nine weeks, it may improve hemoglobin levels.

 Hemoglobin is an iron-containing protein that plays a crucial role in the human body.

 It is the primary component of red blood cells and accounts for approximately two-thirds of the body’s total iron content. 

Hemoglobin’s primary function is to transport oxygen from the lungs to various tissues throughout the body.

This ensures that cells receive the necessary oxygen for proper functioning.

Conclusion on the Nutritional Benefits of Pineapple 

Pineapple is a tropical fruit that offers numerous nutritional benefits, making it a valuable addition to any diet. 

When you add pineapple to your diet, you are on your way to grabbing the health benefits that await you.

Pineapples are rich in vitamins, particularly vitamin C and manganese. Pineapples support immune function and aid digestion.

It may help alleviate inflammation and arthritis pain.

 Its low-calorie profile and high fiber content make it an excellent choice for weight management. 

Moreover, the presence of bromelain in pineapple contributes to muscle recovery after exercise. 

While further research is needed to fully understand all its benefits, including pineapple in your meals can enhance your health and well-being.


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