Home Eyes How to Stop The Eye From Twitching Using These 6 Incredible Tips

How to Stop The Eye From Twitching Using These 6 Incredible Tips

How to stop the eye from twitching
How to stop the eye from twitching

How to Stop The Eye From Twitching Using These 6 Incredible Tips

Have you ever wondered why you need to know how to stop the eye from twitching?

Eye-twitching is a very common condition that affects many people at some point in their lives. 

Most times, eye twitching, or myokymia, often comes with irritation, which is mostly at inconvenient times. 

Eye twitching is usually harmless and gets resolved within a short period, but it is very important to understand how to stop eye twitching, to maintain optimal eye health.

Eye twitching occurs when you experience little movements of your upper and lower eyelid; sometimes, it usually comes like a spasm on your upper and lower eyelid. 

You may experience eye twitching suddenly, which can last for a minute, hours, days, or even longer. Eye-twitching can be so annoying sometimes.

 This article will explore the causes, symptoms, and 6 incredible tips on how to stop the eye from twitching, which will help you have control over your eyelid

The Causes of Eye Twitch You Should Know Before Knowing How to Stop The Eye From Twitching 

As much as you need to understand how to stop the eye from twitching.

It is also important for you to know the causes of eye twitching to be able to manage it properly.

Here are the causes of eye twitching:

  1. Poor sleep

Eyelid twitches often happen to people who find it difficult to have a good sleep, they feel too tired and lose control over their eye 

  1. Stress

When you are stressed, it could lead to your eyes twitching, Stress is a silent killer, You should try to avoid what gives you stress and find a way to reduce activities that could lead to stress.

  1. Too much caffeine and alcohol 

When you consume too much caffeine, it can make you lose control over your eyelid, leading to spasms. Caffeine is a stimulant.

you should try to avoid what gives you stress and find a way to reduce activities that could lead to stress.

Too much intake of alcohol could lead to nutrient deficiency and when that sets in, it may make your eye twitch.

  1. Dry eyes

Sometimes, when you have irritated or dry eyes, it can make your eye twitch.

If you also focus on a screen for too long, be it a phone, TV, laptop, etc, it could strain the muscles of your eye, which can make your eyes twitch.

  1. Nutrient Deficiencies

When your body lacks enough vitamins and minerals, which include magnesium, calcium, vitamin B12, and vitamin D, you may experience eye twitching. 

You need to consult with your healthcare provider to determine if you have any nutritional deficiencies.

  1. Allergies

When you have allergies, it can cause the body to release histamine, which can affect your smooth muscle and blood vessels, which could make your eye twitch.

How to Stop Eye Twitching using this powerful remedies 

In most cases, common eye twitching is harmless and it often resolves on its own. 

However, you can follow these 7 remedies on how to stop the eye from twitching.

Use a Warm Compress

Put a cloth in a bowl of warm water and press your upper eyelid area a little for a few minutes to relax the muscles around the eye and reduce spasms.

 Place the warm compress on your upper eyelid several times a day.

Get more sleep

Not getting enough sleep is one of the reasons you experience eye twitching, so it is important you sleep for at least 7-8 hours every night.

This allows your body and eyes to rest and recover very well to prevent the muscles around your eye from twitching.

Reduce your caffeine and/or alcohol intake.

 It is important you limit your coffee, tea, or soda intake to reduce eyelid twitching.

When you consume too much caffeine or alcohol, they can overstimulate the muscles, which may result in involuntary spasms in your eyelids. 

Caffeine is naturally a stimulant.

Try to reduce stress 

You can practice more stress-reducing techniques like deep breathing exercises, meditation, and yoga.

Avoid any stressful activities that can deprive you of optimal health.

Maintain Good Eye Hygiene

Ensure you keep your eyes clean and well-lubricated by using artificial tears or eye drops.

When there is irritation or dryness in your eyes, it can sometimes trigger spasms in your eyelid.

These drops help to lubricate your eyes and reduce irritation. 

It is important for you to see a doctor to prescribe the right eye drop suitable for the dryness in your eyes.

Take Breaks from Screens

If you are the type who spends a lot of time in front of screens, take regular breaks.

You can take a break every 20 minutes, and look at something 20 feet away for 20 seconds. 

Eye strain can cause the eye muscles to twitch.

When to Call Your Doctor About Eye Twitching

As much as it is important to know how to stop the eye from twitching, it is also crucial to know when to call your doctor 

Here is what you should look out for to know when to call your doctor:

  1. If the twitching persists for more than a few weeks or keeps recurring frequently.
  2. If it affects your vision or leads to difficulty opening the eyelid.
  3. You notice additional symptoms such as drooping eyelids, eye pain, redness, swelling, discharge, or muscle spasms in other parts of your body.
  4. If the twitching causes the eyelid to close completely or nearly so, or if you experience changes in awareness or consciousness during episodes.


As much as eye twitching is harmless and resolves on its own, it is important to understand its causes and remedies needed to maintain eye health. 

You should also keep in mind that factors such as stress, lack of sleep, caffeine intake, and dry eyes can trigger this condition.

When you implement remedies like warm compresses, adequate rest, and stress reduction techniques, it can help you alleviate the symptoms.

 However, if the twitching does not resolve  within the stipulated period, consulting a healthcare professional is advisable to rule out any serious underlying conditions

Frequently Asked Questions

How long does it take eye twitching before it resolves?

A twitch in the eye is common, and it may come and go, but it normally resolves on its own in a few days or weeks. It may come and go but will normally stop in a few days or weeks.

When my eyes twitch, does it mean I am lacking anything in my body?

Yes, there are possibilities that you are lacking some essentials like vitamins A, B12, vitamin D, or magnesium, which are responsible for maintaining optimal eye health.


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