Home Eyes The Different Types of Eye Defects and their Corrections in Nigeria

The Different Types of Eye Defects and their Corrections in Nigeria

One thing holds for preventing or correcting these eye defects in Nigeria. And that is regular eye check-ups. This can lead to early detection, and prompt treatment which are essential for maintaining good eye health. 

Eye defects and how to correct them in Nigeria

In Nigeria, like in many other parts of the world, eye defects are common. 

And although they may not send one into a panic attack, they still impact quality of life significantly.

But the good news is: that with the right information, you can correct or manage many common eye defects in Nigeria. Our previous article discussed how to naturally cure blurry vision.

In this blog post, we will give much of such useful information.

So, read on to find out what the different eye defects are and how to correct them in Nigeria.

1. Refractive Errors

Refractive errors, including myopia (nearsightedness), hyperopia (farsightedness), and astigmatism, are among the most common eye defects in Nigeria.

The human eye relies on the cornea ( the clear front surface of the eye) and the crystalline lens to focus on an image.
If you have no refractive error, then these two critical elements have a smooth curvature.

Thus, they bend incoming light to make a sharply focused image on the retina. However refractive errors occur when the shape of the eye prevents light from focusing directly on the retina, leading to blurred vision.

We will discuss each one separately as they are very common in Nigeria.


Myopia is also known as near-sightedness or short-sightedness. In this case, you can not see far-away objects. This is because distant objects appear out of focus. Most causes of childhood blindness are treatable or preventable. Parents just need to more aware.

What happens is that light rays do not focus on the surface of the retina but in front of it. It can occur if the eyeball is elongated leading to image formation in front of the retina. 

Although this is not an eye disease, severe myopia can lead to the detachment of the retina and vision loss.

Correction: As with most refractive errors, the correction of myopia involves the use of contact lenses or eyeglasses. 

Concave lenses are used. These lenses are thinner at the centre and thicker at the edges. So, they diverge the incoming light, helping it to focus correctly on the retina.

To prevent the problem, avoid reading or holding your phone screen at close range. The same applies to television.

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This is commonly called farsightedness. In this case, the cornea is not smoothly curved. So, the light does not bend properly. Picture your eyes like a camera. With farsightedness, the camera is set to focus on things far away but struggles to focus on close-up objects. 

The light entering your eye doesn’t quite hit the right spot on the retina. Much like the camera film.

In this case, either the eyeball is too short or the cornea isn’t curved enough. This makes the incoming light focus behind the retina instead of directly on it. Thus, close-up vision is blurry.

Correction: To fix this, eyeglasses or contact lenses with convex lenses are used. These special lenses bend the incoming light, helping it focus correctly on the retina, allowing you to see both near and far more clearly.

This works in this sense: it is thicker in the centre than at the edges. So, it brings parallel rays of light together, converging them to a point. 

This helps to focus the light properly in the case of farsightedness, allowing clear vision for close-up objects.


Presbyopia is a common eye condition which may come with the ageing process.

Often it kicks in as you get older, usually in your 40s or 50s. The lens inside your eye becomes less flexible, making it tricky to see things up close, like reading or texting. 

Oftentimes, people confuse presbyopia with farsightedness but they are different.

Correction: Correction involves the use of convex lenses or multifocal lenses to keep your eyes sharp for both near and far tasks.

2. Cataracts

Imagine the lens of your eye as a clear window that helps you see the world. Now, picture this window getting a bit foggy over time.

In this case, the eye lenses are clouded. That is what happens with cataracts. Due to this, vision becomes cloudy and blurry.

The protein in the lens of your eye starts to break down and clumps together. It is a common problem of the ageing process and one leading cause of blindness.

Also, factors like diabetes and prolonged sun exposure can contribute to cataract development.

Correction: The goodness is, that surgery offers a safe and effective solution. During the procedure, the clouded lens is replaced with an artificial one, restoring clear vision.

3. Glaucoma

Glaucoma is a group of eye conditions that damage the optic nerve. It is often due to increased pressure in the eye. 

It is another leading cause of blindness globally.

Correction: While glaucoma-related vision loss is irreversible, early detection and treatment can slow its progression. Medications, laser therapy, and surgery are common interventions.

4. Conjunctivitis (Pink Eye)

Conjunctivitis is the inflammation of the thin, clear layer covering the white part of the eye. It can result from viral or bacterial infections, allergies, or irritants.

Conjunctivitis is commonly called Apollo in Nigeria.

Correction: Depending on the cause, you can medically treat conjunctivitis using antibiotics, antihistamines, or artificial tears. Please, do NOT use urine or breastmilk to treat apollo. The Nigerian Optometric Association has warned parents about this but it seems like many women in villages are still engaging in it.

How can you avoid “apollo” in Nigeria even when it is spreading like whirl fire? Avoid sharing towels, clothing items, makeup or eyeglass with someone else.

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One thing holds for preventing or correcting these eye defects in Nigeria. And that is regular eye check-ups. This can lead to early detection, and prompt treatment which are essential for maintaining good eye health. 

By understanding these common eye defects and their corrective measures, you can now take proactive steps toward preserving your vision and enjoying a better quality of life.

Visit your eye doctor or any eye clinic near you to save your sight. You need it.


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