Home Supplement Best Supplements for Kidney Disease 2024: Know This

Best Supplements for Kidney Disease 2024: Know This

Best Supplements for Kidney Disease 2024: Know This

Are you interested in knowing the best supplements for kidney disease? This article has everything you may need to know about supplements for kidney disease.

 Kidneys are very important organs that help keep our bodies healthy by filtering our blood. However, they sometimes need the support of supplements to function well. These supplements contain ingredients that improve our kidneys’ health and help maintain their strength.

Different kidney supplements perform different functions to help put the kidney in good condition. Some contain antioxidants that protect the kidneys from potential harm, while others support proper blood flow for better function. Additionally, certain supplements assist the kidneys in eliminating waste and fluids from the body so it can function well.

Taking care of our kidneys with the right supplements can promote long-term health and well-being. In this article, we’ll explore top supplements that help the kidney to function well. 

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Top 5 Supplements for Kidney Disease


Moringa has been known for its medicinal properties for millennia, recent research highlights its potential in safeguarding kidney health. Studies indicate that moringa can protect levels of critical enzymes like S.O.D. and C.A.T. in the kidneys.

Animal research suggests that moringa-supplemented diets may lower blood urea and creatinine levels, protecting the kidney. Moreover, moringa leaf extract has shown promise in protecting against acetaminophen-induced kidney toxicity.

 Moringa is prized for its resilience to drought and nutrient-rich leaves. While most studies on moringa and kidney health have been conducted in animals, evidence suggests its ability to maintain healthy glutathione balance and protect kidney tissue from oxidative toxins.

Alpha Lipoic Acid

Alpha Lipoic Acid is a substance that helps prevent cell damage and supports replenishing vital vitamins. 

 A.L.A. supplements may provide short-term support as evidence regarding their benefits for kidney health remains limited. Animal studies indicate its potential to support kidney function through antioxidant-like activity, but comprehensive human trials are necessary for a deeper understanding.

Despite being synthesized in the body, natural A.L.A. production declines with age, warranting supplementation. While some A.L.A. can be sourced from dietary options like red meat and organ meats, supplements offer a concentrated alternative.

Recent studies underscore A.L.A.’s potential in addressing complications associated with kidney disease, particularly cardiovascular issues. A.L.A. supplementation may boost the activity of antioxidant enzymes, safeguarding against oxidative stress and disorders like cardiovascular disease.


Probiotics are tiny living organisms that help keep your gut healthy. They work by ensuring your digestion works well, which indirectly helps reduce inflammation and prevents harmful waste products from building up in your kidneys. However, we still need more research to understand how probiotics affect kidney function fully.

Some studies have shown that taking probiotics can affect kidney health differently. Another study involving 50 patients found that there were no significant differences in the types of bacteria in their poop. Still, they had better gut bacteria and were exposed to fewer substances the kidneys filter out.

Evidence suggests that probiotics help keep your kidneys healthy by balancing oxidative stress and energy levels in people with kidney problems. However, we’re not sure how probiotics affect the balance of uremic toxins and markers of oxidative stress.

Besides taking supplements, you can get probiotics from certain fermented foods like yogurt, kefir, sauerkraut, kimchi, and miso. By eating these foods, you can increase the good bacteria in your gut, which helps your stomach and kidneys stay healthy.

N-acetylcysteine (N.A.C.)

N-acetylcysteine (N.A.C.) helps the body make an important substance called glutathione. It’s thought to be good for kidneys by reducing stress and protecting them from harm in certain situations. However, more research is needed to be sure it works well and is safe for kidney problems.

 N.A.C. is popular because it boosts glutathione levels and defends cells. It’s known for its antioxidant powers and helping tissues deal with free radicals. Although there aren’t many studies on N.A.C. and kidneys, a 3-month trial on kids showed better kidney health and no side effects.

N.A.C. isn’t in foods, so it’s mainly in capsule form as a supplement. Its sulfuric amino acid nature makes it taste and smell pungent.

Additionally, It can lessen stress and improve outcomes in certain kidney conditions like uremic anemia. Also, N.A.C. guards kidney cells from toxins and damage caused by A.G.E.s, which are tied to kidney disease. Using N.A.C. as part of your supplement routine could help protect against A.G.E.s’ harmful effects.


Andrographis is a medicinal herb with active compounds like andrographolide and arabinogalactan proteins. Studies on animals suggest these compounds could help reduce alcohol-induced damage to the liver and kidneys. However, further research is necessary to confirm these results.

Although not commonly linked with alcohol, andrographis may have a protective effect on the kidneys against alcohol-related harm.

Andrographis boosts the immune system and improves kidney health by reducing inflammation and defending against kidney damage in certain conditions. However, more extensive studies are needed to fully understand its direct impact on kidney function.

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Considerations for Kidney Health Supplements 

Before trying any supplements for kidney disease, it’s important to think about how they might affect your kidneys. Everything you consume gets broken down in your body. Your liver, kidneys, and intestines work together to eliminate the waste.

Some supplements can stress your kidneys, especially those filtered out through urine. That’s why it’s wise to contact a doctor before engaging in any new supplement routine, especially if you have kidney problems.

While many supplements usually don’t cause significant problems, your overall health and genetics can change how your body reacts. Sometimes, supplements change how often you pee, how much water your body holds, or even the color of your urine. If you notice anything strange while taking supplements, you should check in with your doctor immediately.

Supporting Kidney Health Naturally

To improve kidney health, combine lifestyle changes with supplements. Regular exercise, a balanced diet, and good sleep improve kidney health. Avoid tobacco, limit alcohol, and manage stress effectively.

Diet plays a key role in supporting kidneys. Follow these dietary tips:

  • Reduce salt intake.
  • Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables.
  • Control potassium levels.
  • Aim for moderate protein intake.
  • Stay hydrated.

Diets like the Mediterranean, DASH, or vegetarian plans are often recommended for kidney health. But your needs may differ. 


Supplements can help improve kidney health, but it’s essential to use them carefully and with guidance from a healthcare provider. Moringa, Alpha Lipoic Acid, Probiotics, N-acetylcysteine (NAC), and Andrographis are promising options, but more research is needed to confirm their effectiveness and safety for kidney issues.

Making lifestyle changes alongside supplements can improve kidney health further. A balanced diet with regular exercise and good sleep are essential. 

Additionally, watching salt intake, controlling potassium and protein levels, and staying hydrated are crucial for kidney support.

Always reach out to your doctor before taking any new supplements, especially if you have kidney problems. While supplements generally have few risks, individual factors can affect their impact.

Best Supplements for Kidney Disease 2024: Know This


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