Home Arthritis 6 Effective Natural Remedies for Arthritis You Should Know 

6 Effective Natural Remedies for Arthritis You Should Know 

Natural Remedies for Arthritis
Natural Remedies for Arthritis

6 Effective Natural Remedies for Arthritis You Should Know 

Natural remedies for arthritis can provide much-needed relief for those experiencing joint pain and stiffness. These remedies change your daily struggle to achieve comfort and healing in your joints.

Living with arthritis can be challenging, as these symptoms often hinder you from moving from one place to another and overall quality of life. 

Arthritis is a condition that comes with pain and inflammation in the joints.

Some types of arthritis come with symptoms that worsen over time, which is termed degenerative.

For example, osteoarthritis happens when the cartilage wears down, which causes bones to rub against each other. 

The rubbing creates friction, which can lead to damage and inflammation in the joints.

Other types of arthritis, like rheumatoid arthritis (RA) occur when the body’s immune system attacks the healthy joint tissue unknowingly, which causes inflammatory flares.

It is important to know that your doctors can prescribe medication to relieve the pain of arthritis, but natural remedies can also be recommended to relieve pain from arthritis.

However, you need to be active, manage your weight, and make changes to your diet.

You can ease arthritis pain with these natural ways listed above. 

Some herbal supplements may also help improve flexibility or relieve stiffness

This article will explore 6 effective natural remedies for arthritis that can help you relieve your arthritis pain with ease.

The 5 Effective Natural Remedies for Arthritis

It is important to understand the natural remedies of arthritis to help maintain Good joint health and overall well-being.

Here are the 5 natural remedies you need to understand:

1. Engage in exercise

If you have arthritis, you need to engage in regular exercise, this may help you manage your weight, and keep your joints flexible.

It may strengthen the muscles around your joints to offer more support.

150 minutes of physical activity per week was recommended by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

A good exercise you can opt for includes low-impact exercises such as walking, cycling,tai chi, water activities, and swimming. 

However, if you are not sure what to do, it is important you consult your healthcare provider.

They are in the best position to help develop an exercise plan.

2. Add turmeric to dishes

You can add turmeric to your meal.

Turmeric, the yellow spice common in Indian dishes, is said to contain a chemical called curcumin.

 This contains antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties that could help reduce arthritis pain and inflammation.

There is a need for more research on how turmeric works. 

However, adding a small amount of this amazing spice to your dinner is likely to be a safe option.

3. Get Massage

Regular massage of the muscles and joints has been proven to help relieve from arthritis.

There was research on the effects of massage on people with rheumatoid arthritis in their upper limbs.

There were two groups that were grouped by the researcher.

A trained therapist exposed one group to light-pressure massage, and the other was exposed to moderate-pressure massage.

The participants were also trained to know how to carry out massages themselves.

The group gave their report after 4 weeks, the participants who received moderate pressure reported they had less pain, and better grip strength and they were able to move the limbs better than those who received less pressure massage.

4. Weight loss

When you are overweight, it puts pressure on the knees and hip joints.

The pressure leads to the cartilage between your joints breaking down more quickly, which tends to worsen osteoarthritis.

It is important to know that losing weight can ease pressure on your joints, reducing pain and stiffness.

5.   Hot and cold therapy

Heat and cold treatments are one of the effective remedies to reduce arthritis pain.

When you use heat therapy to ease your arthritis pain, it boosts circulation and can soothe stiff joints and aching muscles.

 Cold therapy on the other hand restricts blood vessels, which slows circulation, reduces swelling, and numbs pain.

You can choose either heat or cold but it is important you monitor your skin carefully to know the best one for you.

Don’t hesitate to discontinue their use if an injury occurs.

You can carry out heat treatments either by starting the day with a warm bath or shower to relieve stiffness, applying warm paraffin wax to aching joints, or placing a hot water bag on affected joints

You can also carry out cold treatment by wrapping a bag of ice in a towel and applying it to painful areas, submerging the affected joint in ice water or using a cold pack

It is important you limit cold treatments to 20 minutes at a time. 

You can get some of these remedies online for purchase, including heating pads, hot water bottles, and cold packs.

6 . Consider herbal supplements

You may consider some herbal supplements, they may help ease your joint pain.

 However, there is no scientific research to back it up that any specific herb or supplement can effectively treat arthritis.

 Notable herbs that are often mentioned include:

It’s important to note that the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) does not regulate herbal supplements for quality, purity, or safety.

 As a result, you cannot be certain about the contents of a product. 

Always purchase from a reputable source.

When You Should See a Doctor

As much as there are natural remedies for arthritis, you need to know that seeing a doctor is important.

Arthritis can cause permanent damage to the joints when you don’t take treatment.

People with arthritis should work with a doctor to decide which natural remedies may work best with their medical treatment plan.

 You should see a doctor if you experience any of the following:

  • Pain, swelling, tenderness, or stiffness in one or more joints for more than three days 
  • Redness and warmth of the skin surrounding the joint
  • Difficulty moving the joint or performing daily activities for more than three days.
  • If the natural remedies aren’t providing relief after two days.

Conclusion on Natural Remedies for Arthritis

Using natural remedies for arthritis can significantly enhance your quality of life by providing relief from joint pain and stiffness.

Living with arthritis presents its challenges, understanding and making use of these remedies help you to manage your symptoms effectively. 

From engaging in regular exercise to adding anti-inflammatory spices like turmeric to your meals, each remedy offers unique benefits that can help maintain joint health.

However, remember that while natural remedies can be beneficial, they should complement, not replace, medical treatment. 

When you work closely with your healthcare provider, you get the privilege to choose the right combination of therapies you need.

Frequently Asked Questions on Natural Remedies for Arthritis

What foods trigger arthritis?

Some foods contribute to inflammation and trigger your arthritis symptoms.

Foods like:

Sweets, dairy products, fatty foods, carbohydrates, tobacco and alcohol, advanced glycation end (AGE) products, gluten, and additives.

What spices are good for arthritis?

 If you have arthritis, you can add garlic, turmeric, ginger, and cinnamon to your diet.


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